Introducing Queeries: An LGBTQ+ Writing Advice Column

In celebration of the first-year anniversary of The Queer Writer, I've finally expanded this newsletter's goals with something I've always wanted to offer: an advice column on all things literary, appropriately named Queeries! Questions can be submitted via this form. You don't have to be a subscriber of any sort, paid or free, to submit a question. Questions can involve craft, contests, literary journals, residencies, querying, publishing, socio-political barriers, anxieties, concerns, struggles, and whatever else to which you think I can lend some thought. I don't know everything, but I know what it's like to navigate the murkiness of the writing world without information. As someone with over 15 years of experience, I hope Queeries helps folks out!

Queeries will run every second Thursday of the month with a response to a question submitted through the above form. In appreciation for my paid subscribers, a response to an additional question will be available to them. (Any paid subscription tier, monthly or yearly, makes you eligible to view the extra content.)

Want to know more about how this works? Please read the Queeries Q&A.

Milo Todd's logo of a simple, geometric fox head. It has a black nose, white cheeks, and a reddish-orange face and ears.